Consistent Conservative Leadership or Andy Harris, Congressman?
Do any of these words actually belong together??? The first line really seems equivalent to "military intelligence". We'll let the voters decide.
According to The Harris Website, he currently serves on the Senate Health Committee and the Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing.
If that could be the only element used to define his career, his opponent would have a cakewalk to win. Hospitals are overcrowded, Emergency Rooms as well, both emergency rooms and ambulance services are abused by the public, and the quality of health care in many places in the state is pathetic. I love how he touts that he is the only physician in the senate, because as a physician and advocate for the patient, he has done almost nothing. We need more hospitals, more nurses, more paramedics, and better quality. I'm not seeing a product of any of the things hes done except what already has been mentioned.