Friday, April 20, 2007

Lincoln Day Dinner

I am happy to report after attending the annual Lincoln Day Dinner, I was very much satisified with the event. I had a very appealing time, and went throughout the dinner my usual unnoticeable self. Without a formal introduction, I spoke in some detail with Mike Collins, who was what I liked to call the "main hand man" of the entire event. I can't help but see eye to eye with him on so many of his ideals and thoughts on the republican party and "conservative problem children" within it. Ah well, i left with a good full feeling, both in my stomach and mind.



David K. Kyle said...

What does "conservative problem children" mean? Some Republicans are too conservative for him?

Frank Reily said...

I believe what he was getting as was the conservative radicals amongst the party, which isn't suprising because they are popping up like psorasis lately.

David K. Kyle said...

I guess I would be one of them if I was still in the party. He once came up to me and asked me how the Festival of Lights was. I am looking at him thinking he is crazy because I have absolutely no idea why he would come up to me and after saying hello ask me that question. We were at a bull roast not a festival. So I ask him what he was talking about and he says something like "Aren't you Jewish?" Again I am looking at him like he has two heads because I have no idea where that question came from. I was dressed in black but that is really not a reason to assume I am a Jew. I tell him I am not Jewish and to make a long story short he thought I was because of the Ten Commandments pin I wear on my lapel. Jewish chaplains in the military wear a pin that looks similar, so that is where he got confused.