Sunday, July 1, 2007

Thanks for Remembering me David

I'm glad to see someone notices me not being around once in a while, Thanks David Kyle, Lets me know someone still cares. Its kinda been nice thought to just sit back and watch everything play out around me. Theres been some pretty high points, such as seeing that pitiful petition go down by 275 signatures, and a few low ones when looking at some of the fee and tax increases on the horizon. I can't exactly recall what county it was in on the east coast, but after there was so much development, taxes were lowered because of the volume of money being brought in. Hopefully with BRAC and all of this development that the county approved, that may be able to eventually happen. Oh well, Until next time, I think I'll go kick back on the beach......

No shoes--No shirt--No Problem.


Jerry Shandrowsky said...

Sounds like you're retired. I just back from Ft Lauderdale myself. I am planning on a return trip in December. Glad to see you're ok.

David K. Kyle said...

It is very rare for government to lower taxes, at least by a significant amount to where people really notice anyway. After all think of the years they have had surpluses, yet found ways to expand programs or waste the money so they wouldn’t have to give it back. Then because of the expansion have then had to increase taxes in later years. Government is the only business that can be run poorly and still generate revenue, simply because they can steal more from the taxpayer who still elect the same people over and over. Glad to see a new post, I was beginning to worry you had giving up on blogging. I had this crazy thought that BS might have had you bumped off, and I was waiting for Bud to go next, then yours truly.

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