Sunday, January 27, 2008

Nic Kipke vs. Greg Kline

Ahhh, On my weekly trek through that mountain of words Kline calls a blog, I see now he is starting into a war with someone who actually won the race for state delegate the first time, Nic Kipke. Kline calls into question Kipke's credibility and even becomes somewhat insulting in his letter. Now, being a firm supporter of Kipke, I would have to say the following: I would support and trust the words of Nic Kipke as if they were my own. The fact that Kline has yet again stooped to a lower level shows me that he is what I've called him out to be. Yeah Greg, we know you're still not happy about last year and not getting your ever-so-precious conservative refuge advertisement out there, and that you have many reservations about those running the dinner, but thats no reason to get to the point of insult, no matter how subtle.

Fact is, you can run your mouth as much as you want about Nic Kipke on here. Guess what? He won his election..... you didn't. He will work with King...... You won't. He is a stand up person who will do much good in the aren't.

Good Job on trying to yet again bring the rain down on a good man. Heres your "Grade D" stamp. Make sure you display it proudly you slab of jackass.

1 comment:

David K. Kyle said...

Nic and I have become friends since he ran and I would have to say without a doubt he is the most trustworthy person in the legislature that I know. Having had many long conversations with him and knowing how he feels about certain things I just don’t think he would deliberately lie. I don’t think he is out to fool anyone, but maybe he could be too trustworthy of other people. If he has a fault that is it.