Monday, October 20, 2008

Harrison tries to sell us another bill of Goods on Red Maryland

Seems that our old friend G.A. the D.A. is now trying to lightly pin the Harris ad screw-up on the Daily Times and He claims that a "Good Faith" effort was made to verify the the claims of the "We solved the crisis" ad.

"Now I know that some will claim hypocrisy on my part because of the recent brooha about an Andy Harris ad. They would be wrong. The Harris campaign made a good faith effort to verify that the quote was valid. The Daily Times never printed ANY correction until after the ad ran. To date the Kratovil campaign has only made available an edited version of the audio from the event in question. There's a big difference."- G.A. Harrison

If it was such a good faith effort, then why didn't the Harris Campaign ask for the Audio from another source (If Available, I'm sure it was)? And if it was so "Good Faith," then why hasn't their been any apology to The Daily Times or the Kratovil Campaign? Also, G.A. claims that the audio from the Kratovil campaign was edited. I believe that G.A. is trying to suggest that Kratovil Campaign members tampered with the tapes in order to make them contradict the "We solved the crisis" ads.

Lets just see G.A for what he is, one of the Andy Harris right-wing, hardcore, company-man, extremists.

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