Sunday, October 19, 2008

A quote from the infamous G.A. Harrison

"Frank Kratovil and his acolytes want an apology. ... I don't think so!

Why? For starters, neither Andy Harris, nor his campaign has done anything wrong." - G.A. Harrison

The Harris Campaign hasn't done anything wrong?!?!?! Hasn't done anything wrong?!?!?!

Well, Lets remind G.A. the D.A. what was done wrong:

Quoting the Daily Times: "In light of a report this morning's Salisbury Daily Times confirming that Senator Andy Harris' citation of that newspaper in his most recent television ad is inaccurate."

"Harris' ad attacks Kratovil for allegedly saying that "We solved the crisis" in answering a question about the current financial crisis during a campaign stop in Salisbury last Monday. It cites a Daily Times article, dated October 7, and visually displays a Daily Times banner to justify the allegation. But the alleged quote had already been removed from the cited story on the paper's website several days before the ad started airing, and in this morning's print edition confirmed that the initial reporting was inaccurate."

"According to an audio recording at the SU event, Kratovil said: "The bigger issue is, what do we do now? And as I mentioned in my talk, you know, in this country, you often times deal with a crisis, we solve a crisis, but we don't always deal with the long term issues that led to the crisis."

"In response to the Daily Times' confirmation that Harris ad is attacking a statement that Frank Kratovil never made"

"Yesterday, Harris' campaign manager was quoted telling a reporter from that the campaign did not consider the quote to be inaccurate because he had not seen a correction paper's print edition. Now that a printed correction has been made, Lawlor called on Harris to explain what possible justification he could offer for continuing to air an ad that has been thoroughly debunked."

Hey G.A., So when you get pulled over in fifty mile an hour zone for doing sixty five, and tell the cop it was a sixty five mile an hour zone last week and you didn't see the corrections to the signs, you're telling me that you did nothing wrong by just merely being ignorant?

But, since sometimes getting mere words through to you is difficult, I made this statement in picture form too just a few posts down. Please don't hesitate to take a look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G.A has lost his friggin' mind in this election. he is going to blindly support Harris, and he told me he would not bother to look at the ads, because he doesn't have that much time. Yeah, G.A, you don't have 2 minutes to look at the ads? Give me a break.